Asheville, NC is a great town. Rated one of the healthiest cities with some of the cleanest air. After 3 days of nonstop climbing it was refreshing to be able to spend a couple days off of the saddle and build some homes. We saw some of the most amazing sights over the past 3 riding days as we traveled along the Appalachian Mountains. We rode the famous Blue Ridge Parkway into Asheville. Our first climbing ride was a 2300 foot ascent. As we got to the top, a couple of us accidentally made a wrong turn and found ourselves undoing the days climb. While the descent was fun, at the bottom we realized there were not enoiugh cliff bars or water to get us back to the top of the mountain. Luckily a great man named Bobby drove into our lives with his Equinox and pony tail and hitched us back up the mountain and left us with some good wishes and a renewed energy. Thank you Bobby for that.
The next day of climbing was 65 miles on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was our toughest day yet but possibly the most fullfilling achievement most of us have ever accomplished. We eventually made it to an elevation of 5500 feet, as we gazed out accross the endless Blue Ridge mountain range. After that hard day of climbing we were treated to a 12 mile descent down the mountain straight into Asheville.
We worked with Habitat as well as an organization called Mountain Housing. We

worked along side some great people and got to meet many of the home owners.
We'll be biking to our last town of North Caronlina tomorrow. ONE STATE DOWN! 7 more to go I believe.
Remember to tell Jesse happy birthday.
take care yall.
I remember cruising the blue ridge with led zeppelin IV on the dial and yelling my lungs out on the top out over the rolling hills. I never tasted air so clean! Keep breathing deep while on top, I know you are! I've thought about this and if I ever need to bail I'm going to find work and hide out on one of those mountain top peach orchards. Pedal steady and let your spirit soar :) journey on my friend..